
Acoustic Property of Foamed Polymer-rockwool Composite Materials

  • 摘要: 以聚氯乙烯、乙丙橡胶和岩棉为主要原料制成了一种新型泡沫吸声材料,它具有成本低、强度大、阻燃防潮和中低频吸声性能优异的优点。讨论了容重、厚度及表面处理对该材料吸声性能的影响,并且把它的吸声性能与聚氯乙烯泡沫塑料的吸声性能作了比较。结果表明,容重、厚度及表面处理等对聚合物岩棉发泡复合材料吸声性能有极大的影响,这种泡沫吸声材料的吸声性能比聚氯乙烯泡沫塑料的要好得多。


    Abstract: A new type of foamed composite sound absorbing materials mainly made from PVC resin, EPR and rockwool was investigated. The benefits offered by such products include high stiffness, good water resistance, flame retardancy, lower material costs per unit volume, and especially good acoustic performance at both medium and low frequencies. The effects of unit weight, thickness and surface treatment on acoustic property were discussed in this paper. The results showed that each of them had great effect on the acoustic property. Compared with foamed PVC materials, the materials have much better acoustic performance.


