Preparation of Titanium Nitride Powders by Combustion Deoxidization Synthesis(Ⅱ)——Test Research
摘要: 对用燃烧还原合成法制备氮化钛粉末的过程进行了试验研究,建立了一种无需机械粉磨处理的直接合成工艺。制备的氮化钛粉末粒径分布为0.2~1.0 μm,平均粒径为0.5~0.6 μm。研究结果表明,副产物氧化镁的机械分割作用是使氮化钛颗粒免于烧结成块的根本原因,恰当地控制合成温度可较好地兼顾产物的氮化率与颗粒形态。Abstract: The process of fabricating titanium nitride powders in submicron size by combustion deoxidizing synthesis was investigated, and a direct synthesis process without the following mechanical crushing as usual was established. The obtained granules range from 0.2~1.0μm and have an average size of 0.5~0.6μm. It is concluded that the TiN powders with much less agglomeration during high temperature synthesis are mainly owed to the mechanical segmentation of MgO by-product. In oder to obtain titanium nitride powder with desirable both N/Ti ratio and grain size,it's necessary to properly control the synthesis temperature.