
Corrosion Behavours of Copper Alloys in Silt-carrying Seawater

  • 摘要: 介绍了9种铜及铜合金在舟山海域暴露1、2、4、8a的腐蚀结果, 并通过室内模拟泥沙海水的加速腐蚀试验, 研究了这些铜及铜合金在泥沙含量分别为 0, 0.75‰, 1.5‰的海水中的冲刷腐蚀行为及海水的泥沙含量对铜及铜合金的腐蚀形貌和腐蚀率的影响。结果表明, 海水中泥沙的存在会加剧铜及铜合金的腐蚀, 海水的泥沙含量对铜及铜合金腐蚀的影响程度随合金的不同有很大变化。


    Abstract: The corrosion behaviors of nine kinds of copper alloy, exposed in nature silt seawater of Zhoushan for 1,2,4 and 8 years, were reported. The influences of silt in seawater on the corrrosion behavours of the copper alloys were inverstigated by in door accelerated corrosion test in clear seawater and in seawaters with silt of 0.75‰, 1.5‰ respectively, and the specimens were examined visually and microscopically and their corrosion rates were measured. The result shows that the nature silt in following seawater can accelerate the corrosion of the copper alloys but the influences of silt content on the corrosion rate of nine copper alloys are quite different.


