
Development and Application of 12000t Spherical Hinge in The Construction of the Beipan Alarge Bridge

  • 摘要: 介绍了北盘江大桥用 12000t 转体球铰的材料研究、球铰制造、安装及转体运行。万吨荷载下,球铰以低于0.018的摩擦系数平稳转体,开创了大桥转体施工中应用填充聚四氟乙烯复合夹层滑板 /钢摩擦副球铰的先河。补充了万吨级球型桥梁支座模型试验数据,检验了万吨级球型桥梁支座摩擦副的可靠度。


    Abstract: This paper describes material reserch, fabrication, installation and rotating operation of 12000t rotating spherical hinge used in the construction of a large bridge across the Beipan River. Under a load of 10000t, the spherical hinge rotated smoothly with a friction coefficient lower than 0.018. In the application data to model testing of 10000t class spherical bridge bearings is supplemented and reliability of the bearing is testfied.


