
Development of A Water Based Intumescent Fire Retardant Coating System for Navy Ship Cabin

  • 摘要: 介绍了可应用于舰船居住舱室钢材(非受力构件)或木材表面的水性膨胀防火涂料体系,该涂料体系由自固化水性无机富锌底漆、水性隔离封闭中间漆和水性膨胀防火面漆组成。叙述了底漆、中间漆、面漆的主要性能指标及配套体系性能。工艺研究和实船涂装试验表明,该水性防火涂料体系能满足舰船舱室防锈、阻燃、环保等苛刻的要求,耐水性、施工性优良。


    Abstract: This article describes the water based intumescent coating system used on steel (the non-bearing structure) or wood surface of living cabin interior of naval ships. The system is composed of self-curing water based inorganic zinc rich primer and water based tie coat and water based intumescent top coat. The properties of the primer coat, tie coat, top coat and the performance of the coating system are presented respectively. The study on application technology and ship test show that the performance of the coating system has met the strict technical requirements of anticorrosion, fire retardance and non-toxicity. Water-resistance, application performance are greatly improved.


