
A New Sample Preparing Method for IR Analysis of Thermosetting Resins

  • 摘要: 介绍了红外光谱分析热固性树脂的一种新的制样方法热裂解法。该方法是把试样置于裂解管中,在酒精灯上加热裂解,取裂解物的冷凝液在盐片上成膜。与传统的卤化物压片法制样比较,它排除了无机填料和低分子有机物的干扰,得到的红外谱图清晰,信息量大,能够准确地进行定性分析。


    Abstract: A new sample preparing method is introduced for the IR analysis of some thermosetting resins in which the film sample is formed on a slice of potassium bromide from the condensed liquid of decomposed resins. Comparing with traditional halide method, the interference of inorganic fillers and low molecular compounds is eliminated. The IR spectrum obtained is so clear and informative that the accurate qualitative analysis is possible.


