Effect of Fillers on Water Insertion Loss of Sound Isolation Rubber Material
摘要: 本文研究了空心玻璃微珠、粉煤灰(煤胞)、发泡聚合物等填料对阻尼隔声橡胶材料水中插入损失的影响,发现橡胶中加入隔声填料可以明显提高水中插入损失。其中玻璃微珠插入损失最大,其次是粉煤灰,再次为发泡聚合物,而前三者等量混合物略差。玻璃微珠用量以30份为宜,水中插入损失随用量增加而降低,在3kHz、10kHz、20kHz三个频段,用量30份至50份时,插入损失降低幅度较大,50份以后降低幅度变缓,其他频率也有类似情况。Abstract: The effect of different fillers such as hollow glass microsphere, pulverous coal ash and foam polymer on water insertion loss of sound isolation rubber material were studied. The results showed that the water insertion loss of the rubbers filled with such fillers were greatly improved. The effect of the hollow glass microsphere was the first evident, the pulverous coal ash the second and the equal mixture of three kinds of above mentioned fillers was the last. 30 parts by weight of hollow glass microsphere for hundred parts rubber matrix by weight was the best usage.