
Flame Forming Technological Property of Titanium Alloy Plate

  • 摘要: 采用氧乙炔加热的方法研究了钛合金水火弯板的变形工艺特性。研究结果表明,水火弯板的变形量与加热速度、加热线的长度和间距都有关系,钛合金水火弯板受加热速度的影响最大。采用回归分析建立了变形量与加热速度、加热线的长度和间距之间的模型。


    Abstract: Flame forming technological property of titanium alloy plate is investigated with the oxygen-acetylene heating. The result indicates that the heating speed, among other factors such as length and span of heating line, has the largest impact on the deformability of the plate. A model related to deformation of the plate, heating speed and heating line and span is established based on the regression analysis on the result of the investigation.


