
Influence of Thickness on TNDT of Drop-weight Specimen

  • 摘要: 以3种供应状态、5种钢材、6型试样的落锤试验数据说明钢材的无塑性转变温度TNDT不仅与材料有关,而且与试样厚度有关,二者的关系可用函数式TNDT=At-m+B表示,式中的A、B、m是与材料有关的参数。为准确客观地反映实际工程材料的断裂特性,保证断裂设计的安全可靠,推荐采用厚度为12~50mm的6型落锤试样(P1~P6)和相应的试验条件。


    Abstract: Based on the data of Drop-weight test of various kinds of specimens with different thickness, it could be concluded that the value of TNDT is not only dependent on the materials but also the thickness of the specimen. The relationship between TNDT and thickness could be described by a function of: TNDT=At-m+B, where A、B、m are coefficients related with the materials. Therefore, the six type of specimens (P1~P6) with thickness 12~50mm and their test conditions are recommended in engineering design in which the failure characteristic of materials should be properly described for the reliability of the design.


