Application of Cathodic Protection in Underground Water Pipeline of Lianyungang Petrochemical Complex
摘要: 通过对连云港碱厂厂外埋地钢质输水管网沿线土壤、水质的测量与分析,确定了埋地管网周围环境的腐蚀性,分析了埋地钢管的腐蚀原因,采用阴极保护抑制了埋地管线的腐蚀泄漏趋势。Abstract: Based on the investigation of soil and water around underground water pipeline of Lianyungang Alkali Plant,the corrosiveness of environment of the underground water pipeline has been determined and the cause of corrosion has been analyzed.Cathodic protection has been used for preventing corrosion and leakage of underground water pipeline.