
Review of Corrosion Influenced by Biofilm on Metallic Materials(Ⅰ)

  • 摘要: 综述了生物膜对金属材料腐蚀的影响,内容包括:1)生物膜的形成;2)生物膜对材料腐蚀的影响;3)生物膜对阴极保护系统的影响;4)海洋极端微生物相关的腐蚀;5)微生物对航空、航天某些系统的影响;6)研究微生物腐蚀所采用的方法等。微生物相关的腐蚀在实际工程中对材料及设备的影响很大,因此,有必要深入开展研究并积极地采取防护措施。


    Abstract: The effects of microbial fouling biofilm on corrosive behavior of metallic materials are reviewed in this article including 1) formation of microbial fouling biofilm,2) influence of microbial fouling biomfilm on the corrosion of metallic materials,3) influence of microbial fouling biomfilm on the cathodic protection system,4) microorganism in an extreme condition and its related corrosion,5) microbial fouling biofilm causes the deterioration of water in the system of aeroplane and astronauts,6) methods adopted in the research on microbial influenced corrosion(MIC).The MIC damage in practical applications of engineering is so great that further researches shall be conducted and measures shall be taken to prevent it.


