Synthesis of Nanometer Globuler γ-Fe2O3 Powder through Detonation
摘要: 利用爆轰合成的方法制备纳米γ-Fe2O3粉末,采用透射电镜以及X射线衍射等检测方法,对爆轰产物的形貌以及组成进行分析。研究结果表明,所制备的纳米γ-Fe2O3颗粒圆整度较高,呈现红棕色,经计算,产物平均粒径为42.17nm。爆轰法在材料制备中的应用,为纳米γ-Fe2O3的合成提供了简便、快捷而又节省能源的新方法。Abstract: Nanometer γ-Fe2O3 powder was fabricated through detonation and the characteristics of the powder were analyzed by TEM and X-ray diffraction.The analysis indicates that the γ-Fe2O3 is reddish brown,has perfect granule roundness and strong ferromagnetic property,of which the average diameter is 42.17nm.Detonation proves to be a convenient,shortcut and energy-saving way to synthesize nano-meter iron oxide in nanopowder preparation.