
Synthesis of c-BN Hardened Film By PIII Technology

  • 摘要: 采用一种新型的等离子体浸没式离子注入技术(PIII)在渗硼后的50Mn钢试样上制备出了厚度为0.15~0.2mm的立方氮化硼(c-BN)表面硬化层。经X光电子能谱(XPS)和X光衍射分析(XRD),发现硬化层中的组织有立方氮化硼(c-BN)、六方氮化硼(h-BN)、B2O3、FeB和Fe2B。在表层60nm的深度范围内,c-BN的含量较高。采用球盘式无润滑滑动摩擦试验和维氏显微硬度试验分别对渗硼+PIII复合处理以及单独渗硼的50Mn钢试样的性能进行了对比试验。结果表明,与单独渗硼的试样相比,渗硼+PIII复合处理的试样具有高得多的硬度(高达Hv0.1N44GPa)和耐磨性。该项技术在电缆压模上进行了应用试验,获得了较好的应用效果。


    Abstract: A cubic boron nitride(c-BN) surface hardened film of 0.15~0.2mm was prepared by a new plasma immersion ion implantation(PIII) technology on the specimens of boronised 50Mn steel.Cubic boron nitride(c-BN),hexagonal boron nitride(h-BN),B2O3,FeB and Fe2B were found in the hardened film under X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy(XPS) and X-ray diffraction (XRD).The film contents rich c-BN in the region from the surface to the depth of 60 nm.A sliding friction test in unlubricated condition and a micro Vickers hardness test were conducted to compare the properties of the specimens treated by boronising plus PIII and by boronising alone.The results of the tests indicated that the specimens of 50Mn steel treated by boronising plus PIII has far higher(up to HV0.1N44GPa) hardness and wear resistance than the specimens of 50Mn steel boronised alone,and an application practice of the c-BN film in the moulds of telegraph-cable reached a satisfactory effect.


