Digital Visible Spectroscopic Analysis of Chromium in Ni-based Alloy
摘要: 使用可见光谱数字化自动分析系统对镍基合金中Cr元素可见光谱进行了分析测定, 研究了镍基合金中Cr元素的Cr471.84 nm和Cr495.48 nm分析谱线组的特征, 结果可用于镍基合金中Cr元素的定性、定量分析和牌号鉴别。Abstract: Digital analysis system was employed in analysis of visible spectrum of chromium in Ni-based alloy.The character of Cr471.84 nm and Cr495.48 nm line groups in Ni-based alloy was determined.The results can be used in the qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis of chromium in Ni-based alloy and examination of alloys.