Capacitance Performance of Polyaniline in Organic Solvent
摘要: 有机体系中, 采用循环伏安法 (CV) 在铂片表面电聚合制备聚苯胺, 并通过循环伏安、恒流充放电测试了聚苯胺的电化学特性, 结果表明:聚苯胺电极的循环伏安曲线呈现矩形特征, 恒流充放电的电压和时间关系为线性关系。说明该电极具有典型的电容行为, 其比电容高达320.8F/g。CV循环500圈后比电容基本没有变化, 电极的循环寿命较高。Abstract: Polyaniline was fabricated by cyclic voltammetry on the surface of Pt electrode in organic solvent.Cyclic voltammetry, galvanostatic charge were used to detect the performance of the polvaniline electrode.The experiment results demonstrated that the potential-time curves was linear, and the rectangular CV curves exhibited typical capacitive behavior of the electrode with a specific capacitance up to 320.8F/g.The electrode also showed excellent cyclic life.