Research of FCB(Flux-copper Backing) One-Side SAW Process with Twin-Wire
摘要: 埋弧焊FCB法单面焊双面成形工艺在船厂已有大量应用,针对国内单面焊工艺应用现状和高强钢的特点研制了高强钢双丝埋弧焊单面焊工艺配套焊丝与焊剂,同时系统分析了焊接规范、坡口形式、背面焊剂对焊道成形的影响。通过调整工艺使其接头性能达到技术要求,该技术有望实现埋弧焊FCB法单面焊工艺的国产化应用。Abstract: One-side SAW process is applied widely in shipyard for the welding of relative low strength steel.With self-developed wire and flux the butt joint of higher strength steel has achieved good properties.ln this paper,the effect of welding parameters,groove type,the granular size and pressure of backing flux on weld bead appearance is analyzed systemically.