
Study of Reflective Heat-insulating Coating System on Ship

  • 摘要: 主要论述了船舶用隔热反射涂料体系的设计方案、制备工艺、隔热反射机理及降温效果等。试验结果表明,由725-H06-21、725-H67-09、725-BS67-23组成的船舶用隔热反射涂料体系运用在舰船船壳及上层建筑等的外表面,将能起到明显的降温节能效果。


    Abstract: This paper discussed the design,manufacture technology,reflective heat-insulating mechanism and insulating effect of the reflective heat-insulating coating system on ship.Test result showed that the reflective heat-insulating coating system which being made up of 725-H06-21,725-H67-09,725-BS67-23 has excellent performance of depressing temperature and saving energy when applied on the outer surface of hull and super-stratum building.


