
Study on Corrosion Resistance of Zn-Al-Mg-Ce Alloy in Water of Yangtse River and 3.5% NaCl Aqueous Solution

  • 摘要: 研究了Zn-Al-Mg-Ce合金在长江水及3.5%NaCl (质量分数) 盐水中的浸泡腐蚀性能, 分别测试了其电化学性能, 并与Zn、Zn-Al合金、Zn-Al-Mg合金做对比试验。采用扫描电镜和能谱分析了微观组织及成分, 分析了耐蚀机理。结果表明:Zn-Al-Mg-Ce合金无论在长江水或3.5%盐水中都显示出电极电位最负、腐蚀电流最小、腐蚀速度最小, 其腐蚀速度分别只有Zn的19.4%和23.7%, 腐蚀速度由小到大依次为:Zn-Al-Mg-Ce<Zn-Al-Mg<Zn-Al<Zn。其优异的耐蚀性能主要是稀土Ce降低了组织中晶粒与晶界之间的电位差、抑制晶间腐蚀等交互作用的结果。


    Abstract: In this spaper, corrosion resistance of Zn-Al-Mg-Ce alloy in water of Yangtse River and 3.5% NaCl aqueous solution was studied in comparison with Zn, Zn-Al, and Zn-Al-Mg alloys or metal.On the basis of experimental results of microstructure and composition of samples by means of SEM and EDX respectively and Fermi level theory, the mechanism of corrosion resistance was derived.The results showed Zn-Al-Mg-Ce alloy exhibited minimum electrode potential, corrosion current and corrosion rate among the tested alloys or metal, regardless of in water of Yangtse River and 3.5% NaCl aqueous solution.The order of corrosion rate of tested alloys or metal is Zn-Al-Mg-Ce < Zn-Al-Mg < Zn-Al < Zn, and the corrosion rates of Zn-Al-Mg-Ce alloy in water of Yangtse River and 3.5% NaCl aqueous solution are 19.4% and 23.7% of that of Zn metal, respectively.The excellent corrosion resistance can be attributed to Ce which decreased the potential difference between the grain interior and grain boundary and restrained the intergranular corrosion.


