
Characterization of Damage Resistance of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Composite Laminates

  • 摘要: 通过落锤冲击试验与准静态压痕试验研究了碳纤维增强树脂基复合材料层合板的损伤阻抗,发现两种试验中,复合材料层合板都具有三个损伤阶段。两种试验都具有两个表征损伤阶段变化的拐点:第一个拐点为分层拐点,表征分层起始;第二个拐点为损伤拐点,表征分层扩展趋于饱和。本文建议利用一个三维坐标点(x,y,z,其中x为第二拐点对应的冲击能量,y为相应的凹坑深度,z为分层投影面积)表示的损伤拐点来衡量材料抵抗冲击的能力,此损伤拐点不仅仅代表了材料抵抗冲击的关键点,也揭示了此时的内部损伤状态。


    Abstract: Carbon fiber reinforced composite laminates exhibit three damage phases in drop-weight impact tests and quasi-static indentation tests.There are two knee-points between the three phases.One is delamination and the other is damage.In this paper,three-dimensional(x stands for impact energy,y stands for dent depth and z stands for delamination area) point of the knee-point of damage is employed to characterize the damage resistance and inner-damage of the composite.


