The Influence of Macroscopic Defects On the Critical Current of HTS Bi-2223 Tapes
摘要: 本文对国内某公司高温Bi-2223超导线材的典型宏观缺陷进行了观察,用EDS对缺陷成分进行了分析,并测试了缺陷处临界电流Ic值,结果表明,点缺陷和鼓泡两种典型缺陷都使Bi-2223超导线材缺陷处临界电流值出现了衰减,在点缺陷处Zr元素出现了偏析。Abstract: In this paper,the macroscopic defects of the domestic commercial HTS Bi-2223 tapes has been studied by microstructural observations and EDS analysis,and their effects on the critical currentic of the HTS Bi-2223 tapes were also investigated.The results showed that both point defect and bubbles cause the decrease of the Ic.The EDS results reveal that Zr segregate in the point defect.