Experimental Investigation of Mechanical Property on Ti Welded Tube
摘要: 本文对试制生产的薄壁纯钛焊管的性能进行了系统的研究。结果表明:采用先进的TIG焊接、成型、定径技术,可生产直径25 mm,壁厚0.5 mm的焊管,焊缝质量、表面光洁度、外径尺寸及力学性能均满足换热器及冷凝器用钛管要求。Abstract: Mechanical property of welded Ti tube was studied.The results indicate that φ25 mm × 0.5 mm tube can be prepared with advanced TIG welding,forming and sizing technology and the quality meets the relevant standard: welded tube for condensers and heat exchangers.