Evaluation of Uncertainty for Determination of Nickel Content in Low Alloy Steel by FAAS
摘要: 依据GB/T 223. 54-1987利用火焰原子吸收分光光度法对低合金钢中镍进行了测定, 对测定过程中不确定度的来源进行了分析, 并对测定过程中的不确定度分量进行了合理评定, 评定了测量结果的不确定度.找出了影响检测的主要因素, 测量不确定度主要来源于试样称量、试样溶液定容和试样溶液质量浓度测定三方面, 试样溶液质量浓度上机测定引入的不确定度主要来源于校准溶液配制、校准曲线拟合及重复性测定等, 通过分析, 明确了提高测量准确度的方法, 给出了评定方法、步骤及结果.Abstract: The nickel content in low alloy steel was determined by FAAS according to GB/T 223. 54-1987, the cause of uncertainty in measurement process is analyzed and the uncertainty of measurement results is evaluated. It is found that the measurement uncertainty is mainly derived from sample weighing, determination of volume and concentration of the sample solutions. The uncertainty for the determination of the concentration of the sample solutions in instruments is from the preparation of standard solution, fitting of calibration curve and the repeatability of measurement. Then the method to improve the measurement accuracy is proposed.