Introduction of a Method for Phase Quantitative Analysis by Using Softwares
摘要: 本文介绍一种自动化金相定量分析测量方法, 可以实现金相分析中各组成相、断口中各典型区域含量的自动化测量.该方法将Photoshop软件与OLYCIA m3金相图像分析软件巧妙结合, 通过Photoshop软件处理使得图片中待测区域或相黑白衬度分明, 再通过OLYCIA m3金相图像分析软件实现自动化测量黑白衬度分明的待测面积含量, 从而达到对不存在明显衬度的图片中的相或区域的自动化测量的目的.Abstract: Photoshop software and OLYCIA m3 metallographic image analysis software are used to process and measure areas of picture with unclear black and white contrast. With this method, percentage of test phase could be determined automatically.