Research of Precision Casting Titanium Shell with Complicated Cavity Structure
摘要: 研究了用于复杂型腔结构钛合金精铸件的四种不同制壳工艺。研究结果显示,采用背层浆料进行制壳并且不进行撒砂操作的制壳工艺可以达到理想效果,该工艺制作成本低,型壳干燥良好,其室温抗弯强度满足使用要求,而且便于车间操作,使用该工艺浇铸的三件前封严装置一次获得成功。Abstract: Four different shelling technologies for complicated cavity structure titanium casting were studied. The results showed that anticipated effects can be achieved by using the backing layer slurry to do shelling without splashing sands. This technology costs lower for fabrication and it is better for shell drying. Its flexure strength at room temperature can meet the requirements and it is easy for operation. With this technology, three castings which are named former seal device were successfully obtained.