Dynamic Mechanical Property of Rare-earth Magnesium Alloy under High Strain Rate Compression
摘要: 采用准静态试验机和分离式霍普金森杆(SHPB)对稀土镁合金进行压缩实验,并利用金相显微镜和扫描电镜进行显微分析,研究动态压缩下的力学性能,并探讨塑性变形和断裂的机制。结果表明:稀土镁合金的动态压缩应力-应变曲线对应变速率有一定的敏感性,塑性变形方式为滑移和孪生共同作用,断裂机制表现出对应变速率的敏感性。Abstract: The compressive mechanical behavior of Mg-RE alloy was investigated by using quasi static testing system and Split Hopkinson Pressure Bar, and the mechanism of plastic deformation and crack performance were studied by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and optical microscopy. The results show that the stress-strain curve and crack mechanism are sensitive to strain rate. The deformation mechanism is a combination of twinning and slipping.