Iron Anode Falling off Analysis and Countermeasures of Tianwan NPP Condenser Water Chambers
摘要: 核电站凝汽器海水室主体材料为奥氏体不锈钢和钛材,用于保护不锈钢和钛合金凝汽器的铁合金阳极在服役过程有个别铁脚断裂发生脱现象。通过失效断口部位腐蚀形貌分析、断口裂纹金相分析和腐蚀晶界扫描电子显微镜(SEM)分析、晶间腐蚀产物X射线能谱(EDX)分析,研究确定铁阳极脱落失效原因。研究结果表明,铁阳极脱落的主要原因是其304不锈钢铁脚受到严重的敏化,在一定的条件下产生晶间型应力腐蚀而导致腐蚀断裂,并据此制定了处理方案。Abstract: Tianwan NPP condenser water chambers made of authentic stainless steel and titanium, some iron anodes which used to protect condenser falling off. Metallography, electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction were used to analyze the reasons of individual anode falling off failure. The results indicated that the sensitization of the SS304 core is the main reason, which lead to serious stress corrosion. Some improvement means are made.