
Development of Epoxy Glass Flakes Coatings for Off-shore Steel Structures

  • 摘要: 采用中碱玻璃鳞片为主要功能填料,制备了一种适用于苛刻海洋环境中工程钢结构防腐的高固含环氧重防腐涂料。结合实验设计软件对涂料配方进行设计、优化,得到的配方完全满足NORSOK Standard M-501的实验要求。研究了影响环氧玻璃鳞片涂料的耐阴极剥离性能和循环老化性能的关键因素。开发的产品与某国外同类产品性能接近,在固含量、施工性等方面优于国外同类产品。


    Abstract: Use the medium-alkali glass flake as the functional filler,a high solid epoxy heavy duty coating which apply for offshore steel structures in harsh marine environments was plepared.Combine the experimental design software and the experiment to optimize the coating formulation.The designed product can fully meet the requirements of NORSOK Standard M-501.The key factors affecting the properties of cathodic disbonding and ageing resistance were studied.The properties of designed epoxy glass flakes coatings was approximate to the similar foreign products,while the solid content and apply properties is better.


