Study on Uniformity Improvement of PVC Material Based on Statistics Technology
摘要: 材料均匀性会直接影响PVC挤出加工和注塑加工的一致性。不均匀材料会造成制品表面粒点、流线和花纹等缺陷。改进材料均匀性可以提高顾客满意度和过程效率。选择材料均匀性评价指标、调查材料均匀性和改进材料均匀性是本文研究的三个方面。利用方差分析对材料均匀性的评价指标进行分析,通过方差分析,确定将灰分作为材料均匀性的评价指标。利用假设检验对材料生产的均匀性进行分析。通过假设检验,证明材料在不同时间的均匀性是不稳定的。利用TRIZ和中心极限定理,对改性PVC材料生产流程进行改进,确定将增加均质化过程以改进材料均匀性。Abstract: PVC extrusion and injection is greatly affected by material uniformity.Poor material uniformity will results in defects such as particles,wrinkles,and lines.Customer satisfactory and manufacturing efficiency will be enhanced by improving material uniformity.Selecting material uniformity index,analyzing present uniformity and improving manufacturing are included in the article.The evaluate index of PVC material uniformity is studied with ANOVA.Ash rate is selected as material uniformity index with ANOVA result.Status of material uniformity is analyzed with hypothesis test.Material uniformity is not stable with hypothesis test.TRIZ and central limit theorem are applied to improve material manufacturing process,Mixing process is added to solve the problem.