Titanium Alloy Disc Spring Used for Valve
摘要: 以钛合金锻件为原材料,在传统碟形弹簧制造工艺框架的基础上对关键工艺进行了改进,设计出了适用于钛合金材料特性的碟簧制造工艺,以此工艺成功制造出符合GB/T 1972—2005一级精度要求的碟形弹簧,并成功用于某大型PTA项目。Abstract: Titanium alloy forged rings was used as raw material, the most key manufacture process that based on framework of traditional disc spring had been improved. A new manufacturing process apply to titanium alloy feature had been successfully designed. In this new process, the finished product which in accordance with the requirements of the most top accuracy level in GB/T 1972-2005 have been successfully produced, and was used successfully in some large PTA project.