
Uncertainty Evaluation of Fracture Toughness Critical CTOD Value for Metallic Materials

  • 摘要: 由于影响金属材料断裂韧性不确定度评定的因素较多,不同人员对影响因素的认识也有差异,因此其评定还处于初级阶段。本文以Q500钢为例,从试验方法上对其断裂韧性CTOD特征值的测量不确定度进行了评定,从试样尺寸、试验机状态、测试人员和COD规等方面对引起误差的因素进行了详细讨论和计算,结果表明,影响断裂韧性测量不确定度大小的最主要因素是对应最大载荷的塑形分量Vp的测量误差。


    Abstract: The uncertainty evaluation of fracture toughness for metallic materials is affected by many different factors,and people's knowledge about the influencing factors is different,which makes the uncertainty evaluation of fracture toughness still at an primary stage.Take Q500 steel for example,the uncertainty evaluation of critical CTOD value for fracture toughness was discussed and calculated in terms of specimen size,testing machine,testers and COD gauge in this paper.The results showed that the measurement error of Vp was the main factor that influenced the uncertainty evaluation of critical CTOD value.


