
Development and Prospect of Gun Barrel Materials

  • 摘要: 简述了炮管材料的发展历程, 并根据炮管的工作条件总结出其基本性能要求。对传统炮管材料——炮钢的化学成分、力学性能进行了论述, 重点归纳了现阶段炮钢发展思路和研究重点。对国外新型炮管材料技术——复合材料炮管技术及新型绿色炮管抗烧蚀涂层技术动态进行了跟踪介绍。


    Abstract: The development history of the gun barrel materials was briefly introduced, and its essential performances required based on its working conditions summed up.The chemical composition and mechanical properties of gun-steel, a traditional gun barrel material was summarized, meanwhile, the development and research focuses of gun steel were concluded.In the end, the development trends of the advanced gun barrel materials and technologies including the composite gun barrels and the environmental coatings inside barrel for anti-ablation were introduced.


