
Preparation and Characterization of Platinum Electrode of Zirconia Oxygen Sensors

  • 摘要: 研究了电极浆料组成及烧结工艺等因素对电极性能的影响,利用汽车示波器获得的电势跃迁信号分析了氧传感器的响应性能,结果表明,造孔剂的加入和烧结温度对电极微观形貌影响很大。当Pt浆/造孔剂(质量比)比例最佳,选择合适的烧结温度时,电极电阻最小,且高电势跃迁大于800 m V,低电势跃迁小于100m V,响应时间小于200 ms,满足汽车氧传感器的实际使用要求。


    Abstract: Here is analyzed the infuencing factors on properties of platinum electrode in the process of preparation and sintering of the platinum electrode. The response characteristics of oxygen sensor are discussed by the oxygen sensor tension waveform signal from automobile oscilloscope. The results show that the pore-forming agent and sintering temperature of the electrode have a remarkable effect on the microstructure of the electrode. When the Pt/pore-forming agent is in optimum proportion and the ideal sintering temperature is applied, the resistance of the electrode is the lowest. The high potential transition is above 800 m V, the low potential transition is under 100 m V and the time of potential transition is less than 200 ms, which can satisfy the operating requirement of oxygen sensor.


