Preparation of High-density ITO Green Body
摘要: 以平均粒径为50 nm的气化ITO粉体为原料,加入占原料1.2%的分散剂聚碳酸酯,经球磨、陈腐后再“二次球磨”得到高固含量浆料,而后采用加压注浆成型获得了极高密度坯体。研究了浆料固相含量和粘度的关系,同时研究了浆料固相含量、陈腐时间与坯体密度的关系。将不同密度坯体在较低温度1 530℃和空气(欠氧)气氛中进行烧结,研究了坯体密度对靶材密度的影响规律。结果表明,在1 530℃、欠氧气氛烧结条件下,极高密度ITO坯体(相对密度75%)烧结后可得到外观黑色、相对密度为98.3%的靶材,其密度远高于其他密度更低坯体所烧结的靶材。Abstract: High solid content slurry was prepared by ball-milling and staleness and then by secondary ball-milling with arc evaporated ITO powdes with average grain-size of 50 nm added 1.2% polycarbonate dispersant. Then high-density green body was prepared by stress-casting and the relationship betweem solid content and viscosities was studied, so was the relationship between green-body's density and solid content in connection with staling time of slurry. The relation of density of green body and target was spotlighted by different density green-bodies sintered at 1 530℃ in low-oxygen air atmosphere. The result showed that the target of 98.3% relative density whose superficial color was black was capable of being prepared by sintering the ITO green body whose relative density was 75% in 1 530℃ in low-oxygen air atmosphere, which demonstrated that the density of this black target was much higher than those of other ones from green-bodies of lower densities.