Optically Designing of the Brace for Supporting Explosive Welding Clad Plate During Heat Treatment
摘要: 根据爆炸焊接复合板材热处理支撑墩在实际使用过程中发生的垮塌变形,运用数值模拟的方法反推支撑墩承载时的受力,并针对原结构设计提出改进方案。利用Solidworks Simulation对支撑墩的尺寸进行优化设计,得到在满足约束条件下的最优解。结果表明,优化后的方案在不增加整体重量的前提下,结构强度得到大幅提高,能够满足生产需求。Abstract: Accroding to the collapsed deformation of the brace for supporting clad plate, the stress the brace had for supporting the clad was calculated by element method, and an improved structure of the brace was proposed. Numerical simulation was used in the process of structural optimization in order to obtain an optimal solution. The result shows that stiffness of the optimized structure has been significantly improved without extra weight.