
Research on Preparation of Phenol-resistantheavy-duty Anticorrosive Coating for Petrochemistry

  • 摘要: 通过红外、扫描电镜及浸泡试验研究了聚硫橡胶改性环氧树脂对耐苯酚型石化重防腐涂料性能的影响。并研究了不同功能性填料对涂层耐苯酚性能的影响。结果表明:采用聚硫橡胶改性的环氧树脂为主要成膜物质、玻璃鳞片为功能型填料、PVC为0.35、片状填料含量为50%的涂层耐苯酚性能最优,在石化污水池中浸泡1a后,涂层表面基本完好。


    Abstract: The influence of polysulfide rubber modified epoxy resin on properties of phenol-resistant heavy-duty anticorrosive coating was studied via FT-IR, SEM and immersion experiment. The influence of the functional filler on phenol-resistant properties of the coating was also studied. The results showed that the coating had good performance when taking the polysulfide rubber modified epoxy resin as the main film forming material, the glass flake as functional packing, the PVC as 3.5 and the percentage of lamellar filler as 50%. After a year of immersion in petrochemical sewage lagoon, the coating was still in good condition.


