Simulation and Experimental Study on Injection Molding Vulcanization of Porous Rubber Products
摘要: 基于实验测试及丁腈橡胶材料注射成型模型的拟合参数,以及结合充填阶段胶料硫化和温度场的变化情况,对厚壁多孔橡胶制品注射成型的硫化过程进行模拟。分析了不同充填条件对保压硫化阶段模拟的影响,并通过实验验证模拟结果的准确性。Abstract: Based on the experimental testing and fitting parameters of the injection molding model of the nitrile rubber material, and combining the change of the rubber rulcanization and temperature in the filling stage, the vulcanization process of thick-walled porous rubber is simulated. The influence of different filling conditions on the simulation of pressure holding vulcanization stage, and the the accuracy of the simulation is verified through relevant experiments.