Application of Hawking Technique in Machining of Duplex Stainless Steel Casting
摘要: 以双相不锈钢铸件精加工表面为研究对象,设计不同豪克能加工的主要工艺参数,对比分析豪克能加工前后,双相不锈钢铸件表面硬度、粗糙度和点蚀性能的变化。结果表明:豪克能加工能提高双相不锈钢铸件精加工表面硬度,改善精加工表面粗糙度,能提高3A类双相不锈钢铸件精加工表面耐点蚀性能。Abstract: Different process parameters of Hawking process technique are designed to study the hardness, roughness and pitting corrosion resistance of the surface of duplex stainless steel casting before and after the Hawking treatment. It is found that the Hawking technique can improve surface hardness, roughness and pitting corrosion resistance of the surface of DSS casting.