Experimental Research on Erosion of 35CrMo Steel with Different Hardness in Sand Containing Fluid
摘要: 针对海洋石油井下工具常用材料35CrMo钢,进行了3种不同硬度下、5个不同冲击速率的冲蚀试验,对质量损失和冲蚀表面形貌进行了研究和分析,计算了冲蚀磨损率;分别拟合冲蚀磨损率与冲击速率和硬度的计算方程,分析了冲击速率和硬度对35CrMo钢冲蚀磨损率影响的变化规律。试验结果表明,35CrMo钢的冲蚀磨损率随冲击速率的增大而迅速增大,成2.55~2.66次方关系,随硬度的提高而减小,成线性关系。硬度和冲击速率各自独立影响35CrMo钢的冲蚀磨损率,不存在显著的相干性。Abstract: The erosion experiments of 35CrMo steel with three different hardness and five different impact speeds are carried out, and the weight loss and eroded surface morphology studied and analyzed. The influences of speed and hardness on erosion wear rate of 35CrMo steel are analyzed, and the equation of erosion wear rate with speed and hardness fitted. The experimental results show that the erosion wear rate of 35CrMo steel increases rapidly with the increase of speed, with a power relation of 2.55~2.66, and decreases linearly with the increase of hardness. Hardness and speed have independent effects on the erosion wear rate of 35CrMo steel, and there is no significant coherence.