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党宁 魏晨 惠城 杨渊雨 杨尚谕 王建军 韩礼红

党宁, 魏晨, 惠城, 杨渊雨, 杨尚谕, 王建军, 韩礼红. 激光增材制造钛合金成形件缺陷三维表征与电脉冲修复技术的研究进展[J]. 材料开发与应用, 2024, 39(4): 83-97.
引用本文: 党宁, 魏晨, 惠城, 杨渊雨, 杨尚谕, 王建军, 韩礼红. 激光增材制造钛合金成形件缺陷三维表征与电脉冲修复技术的研究进展[J]. 材料开发与应用, 2024, 39(4): 83-97.
DANG Ning, WEI Chen, HUI Cheng, YANG Yuanyu, YANG Shangyu, WANG Jianjun, HAN Lihong. Development of Three-dimensional Characterizations and Electro-pulse Repairing Technology for Forming Defects within Ti Component by Laser Additive Manufacturing[J]. Development and Application of Materials, 2024, 39(4): 83-97.
Citation: DANG Ning, WEI Chen, HUI Cheng, YANG Yuanyu, YANG Shangyu, WANG Jianjun, HAN Lihong. Development of Three-dimensional Characterizations and Electro-pulse Repairing Technology for Forming Defects within Ti Component by Laser Additive Manufacturing[J]. Development and Application of Materials, 2024, 39(4): 83-97.




  • 中图分类号: TG146.2

Development of Three-dimensional Characterizations and Electro-pulse Repairing Technology for Forming Defects within Ti Component by Laser Additive Manufacturing

  • 摘要: 增材制造技术具有设计自由度大、无需模具、可近净成形的优点,在航空航天、海洋工程、石油工程等领域有着广阔的应用前景。然而,以钛合金为代表的高强合金由于其热导率低、充型能力差的本征属性,导致激光成形构件易出现气孔、热裂纹、冷裂纹等成形缺陷,从而降低其力学性能。近年来,为了深入挖掘成形缺陷形成的微观机理,研究人员研发了多种缺陷的表征技术,并在此基础上开发了缺陷修复技术。本研究从缺陷三维表征和电脉冲修复技术两个角度出发,总结了目前成形缺陷三维无损表征技术和无损修复技术的进展,并对未来激光增材制造成形件的缺陷分析和修复技术进行了展望。


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